понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

comic book time line

Tune:� "Oh Tannenbaum"

Softly Falls the light of day

While our campfire fades away

Silently each Scout should ask,

"Have I done my daily task?

Have I kept my honor bright?

Can I guiltless sleep tonight?

Have I done and have I dared

Everything to be prepared?"

Listen Lord, oh listen Lord,

As I whisper soft and low

Bless my Mom and bless my Dad,

There is something they should know.

I have kept my honor bright.

The Oath and Law have been my guide.

Mom and Dad, this you should know,

Deep in my heart I love you so.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I want to quit. Iapos;m sick of it all. Everything.
Itapos;s like Iapos;m standing in a box, isolated, grasping for everything and anything; people, places, situations, that are just out of reach.�
It kills me to think my motivation for getting up in the morning is "someday I�can...".
I donapos;t want my present to be lived in the future. I want to live now. The present is all that really exists, and I feel as though Iapos;m wasting it. I understand, Iapos;m young, thereapos;s plenty of time. But just because there is more time, must this time be wasted? I dread the idea of spending 4 years in school, learning facts that I�could have easily learned on my own, stress free. I feel no desire to learn more here, to excel in school. But I know I have to.
Iapos;m scared that this apathy and lack of motivation may very well cost me my scholarship. I panic when I think of this possibility. My family would be so disappointed, and my mother would be so angry. More complications, more isolation, more stress.
A life without stress, what a glorious idea. :)
Even for a life with some stress, the kind that keeps you busy throughout the day, fills your time.
Just not this kind, that eats away at every moment. The kind that doesnapos;t permit fun, for having fun means you arenapos;t doing what needs to be done. The result: You, only you, alone in a room feeling guilty about wasting time, and feeling more guilty that you could not waste it better.
What a waste.
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I wish i never knew how to view hidden comments on myspace. I have recently stumbled on a comment from brittney to jamie. I wish i could just talk to that fucking bitch and tell her what the fuck is up so she doesnt have to be fucking saying shit about me when she doesnt even know me. And people wonder why i absolutly fucking HATE�other girls. I want to mention it to him but he will probably just be like "omg your a fucking stalker quit reading my comments all the time" ugh. It will be mentioned though. Especially after what i read.

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Yesterday I had a woman call to check on the status of her order. Normal enough. I asked her for her phone number and...she gave me the storeapos;s phone number.

Me:�"No, maapos;am, I�need the phone number that you placed the order under."
Customer:�"Thatapos;s it."
Me: "Are you sure that was the number you wanted us to contact you at?"

Needlessly to say, I looked her up by her name and the order was placed under her home phone number, not the storeapos;s. When I read that number off to her, she said, "Oh." Then she asked that we put her order "some place where my husband wonapos;t have an anxiety attack when he has to pick it up."�

How was your day today?

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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OMG i have jus been worsed to eat a hole meal. Canapos;t purge cos my family is forcing me to stand in their site any advice? feeling so rubbish so disapointed in myself. Iapos;ve been doing so well on my fast but it is absolutely recked Canapos;t believe it, do you have any advice on how to exercise without everyone noticing? i have been to the gym twice 2 day and also gone on a run for an hour, but i need to do more. I canapos;t stand the effect food has on you. Would love support if you want to give it to me?
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If youapos;re going to be mean to somebody you donapos;t know
for reasons beyond their control
at least deal with the fact that theyapos;re not going to give you the best service possible
and might even be rude and unhelpful purposefully
because they might not give a huge shit about your petty problems
and because theyapos;re probably paid shittier than you think.


i think iapos;m the only morning person on this side of the mississippi.

on a brighter note,

i have a spread eagle vagina with bat wings tattooed on my arm now and itapos;s fucking awesome.

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hearts;Black Obsessive Doll Stares.
Knifes Bleeding Glitter.
Sugar-Coated Corpses Lye in...
Pink. Plastic. Coffins.

6 Feet Under Lovers.
Sparkles Flowing Threw Used Veins.
- Where, F a c e l e s s� Barbies Lay in Winter Solstice Homicidehearts;hearts;

Envy Glances at Paper Bullets.
Tabloid - Hearted Gunshots.

Mirror Reflecting Downfalls.
Smile BIG for the Cameras.
Meet me at the Place Where Pretty Faces are Selling Souls.

Fameless Faces,
Whisper Starring Roles.
Tonights World Will end up on her Wrists.

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NOR Will I Wait Up.

OH The Prettiest Stitches.
From the Ugliest of Wounds.
Promise That Hollywoods Covered in Blood Tonight?

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Steal -the- Stage.
Can we Sleep in the Same bed my Bride?

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And What a Shame That

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